Documentary and TV features

Channel NewsAsia, UnderCover Asia Season 9: Behind the torture
- Producer

  • Coordinate with production crew in China during COVID, research with fixer, conduct online-investigation, writing beat-sheet and script, direct the filming of re-enactment scenes, manage production, CG and post-production in Singapore.

Channel NewsAsia, UnderCover Asia Season 8: Dying for Love
- Producer

  • Coordinate with production crew in China during COVID, research with fixer, writing beat-sheet and script, direct the filming of re-enactment scenes, manage production, CG and post-production in Singapore.

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》

晨光| 着眼天下:福岛重建走出核辐射阴影 当地女性打造美食新可能


Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore
Fukushima Women: Rebuilding sake industry and agriculture in Fukushima.

《晨光第一线》着眼天下:日本新潟降雪量锐减 冲击当地农业:

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》

晨光| 勇往职前: 舞蹈演员伤后领悟 转攻身心运动治疗


Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore
Extraordinary Jobs: Somatic therapist balancing body and mind and exploring art using somatic theories.

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》

晨光| 勇往职前: 场所营造师发掘空间个性 打造未来城市软实力


Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore
Extraordinary Jobs: Placemaker, the strategists behind liveable spaces in our cities.

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》



Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore
Chiang Mai- The growing challenge of waste management.

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》

晨光|着眼天下:受雾霾问题困扰 泰国民众携手度难关


Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore
Chiang Mai - Air Pollution.

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》 日本筑地市场摊贩迁移 丰洲市场蓄势待发


Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore.
Tsukiji to Toyosu-The big move.

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》 日本宫城县海产业复兴 重建石卷鱼市场

Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore.

Director/Producer/2nd Camera

"New Miyagi- 7 years after 311” Series supported by Miyagi Prefectural Government and JETRO SENDAI
Ep.02 Ishinomaki’s efforts at reviving the fishing industry

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》 气仙沼灾后艰辛重建校舍 积极推展防灾措施

Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore.

Director/Producer/2nd Camera

"New Miyagi- 7 years after 311” Series supported by Miyagi Prefectural Government and JETRO SENDAI
Ep.01 Kesennuma, rebuilding schools and mending broken spirits

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》日本餐具之都 精美餐具让用餐变得赏心悦目

Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore.


"Tsubame-Sanjo, the cutlery capital of Japan"

新加坡 新传媒 8 频道 《晨光第一线》日本新潟县 鱼米之乡的鲜美味增及爽口清酒

Morning Express, Channel 8, MediaCorp, Singapore.


"Niigata’s fermentation culture: Miso and sake"

新加坡 新传媒 U 频道 《世界一周》 德国哥隆手工装帧艺术

World This Week, Channel U, MediaCorp, Singapore.


"Bookbinder in Cologne, Germany keeping hundred years tradition alive."

新加坡 新传媒 U 频道 《世界一周》秩父夜祭 与 蚕丝文化

World This Week, Channel U, MediaCorp, Singapore.


"Japan Chichibu Night Matsuri and Silk Culture."

新加坡 新传媒 U 频道 《世界一周》日本京都传统工艺

World This Week, Channel U, MediaCorp, Singapore.


"Kyoto's traditional craftsmen collaborate with European designers."


新加坡 新传媒 U 频道 《世界一周》中国临时演员生

World This Week, Channel U, MediaCorp, Singapore.


" Life as an aspiring actor in Beijing, China."